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Thursday, November 11, 2010

Luke 8:19-21

These verses seem a bit "wow"...Jesus seems to be ignoring His own family when it seems all they want to do is see Him and talk with Him.  However, if we research other gospels, we find this same passage in Mark.  In Mark's gospel, this passage comes some verses later after we read that His own family denied who Jesus claimed to be and were ready to capture Him and turn Him in as "crazy".  Jesus' own mother and brothers were turned against Him.  Literally everyone Jesus loved was against Him, yet He kept His eyes on His Father and pressed on to what He knew was right! 

In our Christian walk, we will find ourselves alone in our faith from time to time.  Everyone we might have thought was with us may one day turn away and we will find ourselves standing at a we continue in the faith or give up?  Now, Jesus' family eventually believed.  His two brothers went on and preached and spread the word of Christ to all those they came in contact with.  But, had Jesus crumbled to the knowledge that His own family was against Him, He would not have had the ministry that eventually converted His family, and us, to a life with an intimate relationship with Christ.

Monday, November 8, 2010

Luke 8:18

This verse is a warming to all who hear the Word of God.  Previously Jesus described four different groups of people who heard God's Word and how they responded to it.  Here Jesus is warning those who hear it and pretend to accept it.  Jesus is telling those who hear and accept that in the end, they will gain even more; everlasting life with Him!  However, He is telling those that hear it and proclaim to be Christians but have never asked Jesus into their hearts that even what they think they have (Christianity) will be taken away with the words, "I never knew you."

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Luke 8:17

This verse lets us know that all we say and so will one day be made known.  All the things we think we have done in secret, all the lies we thought we got away with, all the stories we told behind someone's back, everything will one day be made known!  We must be VERY careful of what we say and do because even though we think no one sees or hears, one day ALL will see and hear!!!

Thursday, October 28, 2010

Luke 8:16

We as Christians have the light of Christ in us.  As God's light, we should broadcast everything about our walk with Him.  As the verse says, you don't turn on a light just to cover it or shade it, but to light the whole room.  When we walk into a place, we should glow with the God light within us so others KNOW we are different than other people. 

Not only that, but as a light, we are shared with those in darkness.  Meaning, when people see us and see God in us, they are drawn to us and we need to be ready to share what we have with ANY who ask!  God doesn't work on our time table when WE are ready to share.  He brings people when they need to be brought, we have to learn to ALWAYS be ready!

Monday, October 25, 2010

Luke 8:9-15

It's amazing to me how, even though these scriptures were written hundreds of years ago, they still apply to life today!  Every person is represented in these passages who has ever had the chance to hear God's word.  Although these verses were written in a time when there was no form of transportation other than walking for most, communication was hand written letters hand dilivered after walking miles and miles to do so, no indoor plumbing (or plumbing at all for that matter), no stoves other than a fire, none of the conveniences we have today; and yet, we can relate to these groups.  the way we hear the Word may be different, but the way we chose to accept it or not is exactly the same. 

Which group do I fall into?  How am I receiving the Gospel and growing?  How deep are my roots?  What about you?

Thursday, October 21, 2010

Luke 8:1-8

We are not responsible for how people receive the sead, or the Word of God.  We are only commanded to sow.  As followers of Christ we are commissioned to "go ye therefore and preach".  God sends us out as ministers (we are ALL ministers) to spread His word and His love to all we come in contact with.  We are the farmers of God's word, planting seeds in all grounds.  How that seed is taken and grown is not up to us.  We plant the seed, God makes them grow, if the ground is accepting.  If the ground rejects the seed, we cannot hold ourselves responsible; just keep planting...sometimes it takes a few seeds for one to take... 

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Luke 7:36-50

This is one of my favorite stories of the Bible!  God has used this passage in my life to remind me that no one has too much sin. God reminds me through this that sometimes all it takes is a little love to look past one's faults and get to the heart of people.  This woman was known for her sins, but Jesus knew her for her faith.

We have to learn to look past the physical, look past the faults of others, and get to the heart and soul of people.  Of we look at our own lives, who are we to deserve the love and forgiveness Christ gives?  And still, He gives it anyway.  All we have to do is come forward, in faith, like this woman, and accept it!